Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Making The Connection

Wow, let me share with you an exciting event that happened in my reading class today! 

I have a group of first grade students who are struggling with making the phoneme-grapheme, letter to sound, connection. Since the beginning of the year we have worked so very hard on learning sounds and listening to how the sounds connect to create words. I was worried about this one particular student who just could not seem to understand that the sounds came together to form a word.   He would sound the letters w-a-v, but when attempting to connect them, he would change the middle or ending sound.  But today was different!  As we stretched our sounds long to meet the next sound, he would look at me with an amazed look on his face and say the connected word.  It was all I could do not to make a spectacle of myself!  We cheered and did our high fives between each correct word.  What an awesome feeling to see the fruits of his hard work! 

As we walk toward our Great Big Goal of reading on level, let us not forget to stop and celebrate the small steps it takes to reach that goal!

Enjoy the Journey!

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